Following on from recent successful wholesale dealer qualified person (WQP) training courses, the Veterinary Medicines Directorate’s training team is offering a new training event for all staff who are involved in the retail supply of veterinary medicines
The Dispensary Management course has broad appeal and is suited to all involved in the dispensing of veterinary medicine, such as SQPs working in or looking to move into a veterinary dispensary role, veterinary dispensary managers, ambulatory veterinary surgeons and veterinary nurses, veterinary pharmacists, and practice managers who oversee veterinary dispensaries.
The day-long event and will be held at Brooklands Hotel and Conference Centre, Surrey, KT13 0SL on Wednesday, May 11, from 10am to 4pm. For further details please email the VMD Development and Training team via [email protected].
Delivered by the VMD Inspections Team, who draw on their extensive knowledge and experience, the day will provide an overview of running the practice dispensary effectively while working within the confines of the legislative requirements for the retail supply of veterinary medicines.
The course clearly outlines the principles and protocols required for the effective and responsible management of the veterinary dispensary, including prescribing, supplying, dispensing, sourcing and storing, and the processes to minimise dispensing errors.
On completion of the course, attendees will be able to confidently identify authorised veterinary medicines, store them appropriately and be able to dispense with greater assurance.
The course costs £395 per person to include training pack, refreshments, and attendance at a networking lunch.
The Dispensary Management course is the latest training released by the VMD Development and Training Team. The team is responsible for developing the VMD programme of technical training, facilitating access to learning for stakeholders to be able to manufacture, authorise, supply, and use veterinary medicines responsibly.
Abi Seager, VMD’s chief executive, said: “We are committed to helping our stakeholders fully understand their legal obligations and providing training courses and platforms for questions is a fantastic enabling opportunity.”