Ceva Animal Health, manufacturer of ADAPTIL and FELIWAY, has launched its nationwide Pet Anxiety Month campaign.
Recent research conducted by the company has revealed that over 40% of the nation’s dog owners worry more about their dog’s mental health than their own, with a massive 90% admitting that they are regularly concerned that their pet is anxious or stressed.
Ceva said it’s making a significant investment in Pet Anxiety Month, which is in its sixth year, to address these concerns.
The company will be educating pet owners on the signs of anxiety in cats and dogs throughout the initiative, helping them identify the cause of the problem and ensuring they have the knowledge and resources they need to help manage anxiety and alleviate stress in anxious pets.
The company has partnered with Battersea Dogs and Cats Home and will be making a donation of £1 for every ADAPTIL product sold during March.
Pet Anxiety Month will be backed by a marketing campaign including a digital and social media campaign and new marketing support material consisting of a poster pack, leaflets, bunting and a social media and digital toolkit.
Pet Anxiety Month is being fronted by TV personality and radio presenter, Kate Lawler, who has taken on the role of official ambassador having experienced anxiety in her rescue Terrier cross, Shirley.
Ms Lawler, who is a passionate animal lover and has been a dog owner for nearly 15 years, spent a day at Battersea filming for the initiative and she is featured throughout the Pet Anxiety Month marketing.
Shirley is scared of loud noises including fireworks and household items like the vacuum cleaner among other anxiety issues.
Ms Lawler said: “Before I owned dogs, I had no idea that pet anxiety was a thing. It wasn’t until I brought Shirley into my life that I began to understand how deeply anxiety can affect pets; it’s really unpleasant for a dog to live with. Shirley’s previous history is unknown, but I sense she was mistreated, and I have no idea what happened to make her so anxious.”
During her Battersea visit she learnt more about how to spot and manage pet anxiety and she added: “I’ve learned that every dog is different and what works for one may not work for another.”
Abigail King, senior product manager for ADAPTIL and FELIWAY at Ceva Animal Health, said: “Despite 40% of dog owners worrying more about their dog’s mental health than their own, pet owners are unsure of how to spot signs of stress and support their anxious companions by finding reliable advice.
“Our significant investment in Pet Anxiety Month will drive awareness and encourage pet owners to look into solutions to manage anxiety in their pets.”
For further information on ADAPTIL, FELIWAY or Pet Anxiety Month or to request Pet Anxiety Month marketing support material, click here.