With confirmation of resistance in sheep scab mites to the injectable MLs, AMTRA has highlighted that OP dips are a vital tool for sheep scab control.
Stephen Dawson, AMTRA’s secretary general, said: “However, if we are to ensure that OPs are used effectively and to avoid the risk that mites develop resistance to this last line of defence, they must be used responsibly.
“OP sheep dips are not effective when used in showers, jetters or sprays and the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) has confirmed that SQPs must not prescribe OP sheep dips for use in showers, jetters or sprayers.”
Mr Dawson said prescription by SQPs for such off-label use would be a breach of the SQP Code of Practice, which states that SQPs must take into account the requirement for the person receiving the product to use it for an authorised use.