Parasitologists at Moredun have developed ‘FEC Check’ to simplify the understanding of faecal egg count results and assist with decision-making by visually demonstrating what the results mean clinically.
The tool was initially developed for interpreting results in sheep but has been updated for cattle. The tool combats variation in reporting amongst providers, ensuring that everyone has access to the information they need to make knowledgeable management decisions.
Users input faecal egg count results, and the app visualises the results using a traffic light system representing the clinical impact. For instance, green indicates low-level infection, not requiring treatment, and red indicates that treatment is likely needed.
The gradient is based on advice from the industry group Control Of Worms Sustainably (COWS). The app also includes links to reliable resources on sustainable roundworm control and testing, such as guides on collecting high-quality faecal samples and the various uses of faecal egg counts.