Lewis Business Media, the publisher of OvertheCounter, has acquired Pest, the independent magazine, Pest+ enews and website for pest management professionals from Foxhill Publishing.
Founders Frances McKim and Helen Riby said the move has secured an exciting, long-term future for Pest.
Ms Riby said: “We are very proud of what we’ve achieved with Pest over the past 11 years, but there is a limit to how much two people can do! Finding a new owner to take the publication on to its next stage hasn’t been easy.
“Our most important consideration was to ensure the publication retains its independence. We are very happy that our search has been fruitful. In Lewis Business Media we have found a small, specialist, independent publisher with all the right skills to nurture our baby.”

Ms McKim added: “Pest control won’t be getting rid of us that easily! Rest assured we are not doing a moonlight flit, never to be seen again. We will still be attending events, involved making sure things get handed over smoothly and providing editorial content – although obviously, over the longer term, our contributions will reduce.
“Both Helen and I would like to thank all our readers for their encouraging comments and contributions and our advertisers for their commitment and financial support. Thanks are also due to our Technical Advisory Board members who have always been very generous with their advice.”
Simon Lewis, managing director of Lewis Business Media said he was very pleased to have completed this latest acquisition and he looking forward to getting involved in the pest control industry.
“Frances and Helen have done a great job running the magazine since its inception and I’m delighted they have both agreed to join the Technical Advisory Board and will continue to provide some content,” Mr Lewis said, “so their expertise will not be lost!”

He added: “We plan to retain all that is great about the print magazine delivering news, analysis, technical advice and business features, and we will be looking to enhance the digital offering.
“The new editor will be Simon King who certainly has some big shoes to fill! Simon is currently the editor of OvertheCounter, the magazine for Suitably Qualified Persons (SQP) in the UK – the professional qualification required to sell certain animal health products.
“The majority of SQPs work in country stores so they, of course, sell pest control products too – so there is a natural cross over. Advertisers will be looked after by the new commercial team, led by Emma Sharp, sales director.”

The new Pest team will all be at PPC Live in Harrogate on March 11 and we look forward to meeting readers and advertisers alike.
Pest was launched in November 2008, since when it has established itself as a leading independent source of information for pest professionals, not only in the UK, but around the world.